The Team Behind The Professional: What It Takes

The Team Behind The Professional: What It Takes

Posted on Mar 4, 2023

Yes, the journey to become a pro footballer is filled with struggles and sacrifices. There's a lot that the player endures to reach this position. Did the player attain the feat solely on his own? No! A whole team behind him worked diligently for the player to reach the top of the tree. The contributions of a team behind a professional are often undermined. Think about it. Would a player have been able to strengthen his game if he did not have a performance analysis to know his weaknesses?  

Can a player become a pro footballer if his health is compromised or his fitness leaves a lot to be desired? Of course not! Everything from benchmark testing to physiotherapy is vital for the success of a footballer. Let's take a look at a few team members who play an invaluable role in the journey of a pro footballer.  


A lot of people work hard at the gym but don't yield the desired results. This is because they forget the role of nutrition in the whole process. A footballer cannot make this mistake as he needs to be in the best of health to perform optimally. And this is where the role of a nutritionist comes into play. The nutritionist comes up with healthy meal plans for the player, ensuring that the players get everything they need. It's the job of the nutritionist to ensure that the player maintains an adequate carbohydrate intake to bear the training load. At the same time, he also ensures that the taste is not compromised. Trust me; this isn't an easy job! Because persuading a player to eat what they need can sometimes be a challenge! 



This one's obvious, isn't it? As a footballer, you will have many injuries, and you will need to speed up your recovery if you don't want your career to suffer. Physiotherapists ensure that not only do you recover from your injuries but also that your previous injuries do not flare up. Football training can be pretty rigorous, and players often encounter musculoskeletal issues and similar other problems. But with physiotherapy, players can ensure that there's no lasting damage. They work on a holistic plan to make sure that the player's injury is well taken care of and that he is able to get back to the field at the earliest possibility. Our physio’s also complete a health check to allow appropriate gym programmes to be drawn up from the results.   


Performance assessment is integral for the success of a player. How else will he know what's lacking in his gameplay? Remember, to become a pro footballer, you must perfect every technique. At the same, you need to keep a close eye on your competitors too. After all, strategizing is just as vital for your victory. Your performance analyst can help you with this. It's his job to study your game closely with every aspect and point out the mistakes you made and the areas you need to improve on. Our certified scout takes care of overlooking players talent and ability.  

Fitness Coach  

Naturally, your fitness needs to be top-notch if you are to put in the hours of rigorous training. And your fitness needs to last throughout the season too. It won't do you any good if you perform well at the smaller games only to be tired for the big one. This is where the fitness coach steps in.

A fitness coach ensures that the player works hard in his training and does not get too laid back. But he also makes sure that the player does not end up overburdening himself. The balance is key as there are several factors at play. It is easier to maintain a level of fitness instead of trying to catch up.   

The Role Of A Team Behind The Success  

We provide our players with not only the best training but also a team that would help them to make the most of their opportunities. Our goal is to help our players build their mental and physical strength, which will ease their journey and get them to the top of the ladder!  

Check out our performance programmes! we give you everything you need to help you climb the varying levels of professional football!

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